




The rooms in the Institute a re sin°·l e rooms, comfortably furni shed , lighted , heated and supplied with running water, hot and cold. The I nst itute suppli es the linens a nd launders th e same. Students take care of the;r rooms. Excell ent tabl e board is proYided in the Inst itute dining room, a sect ion of which is se t apart for the student body and the Superintendent s. The students wait on the tables. The present rate fo r room and boa rd is $8 .50 a week, payable in adYance . Owing to the uncertain market cond iti ons, this ra te may haYe to be advanced . Jt is hoped that it may be poss;ble to lower it. ProspectiYe student s should inquire fur ­ ther about thi s when sending in their applications, or befo re completing their plan s for com ing . The J nstitute ai ms to cha rge stud ent s only the actual cost fo r room a nd boa rd. Employment and Financial Aid It is of tentimes possible for stud ent s, especiall y men stu­ dent s, to find secu lar employment fo r two or three hours a clay. or eYen more, by which to supplement their fund s, although no guarantee of such empl oyment can be g iven. Thi s empl oy­ men t may be about the builch1g. or it may be in stores or res­ taurants, or in other forms of occupation out side t he Institute. A fe,v students find work in th e way of teaching. or a s church assistants, or conducting choirs or sing ing in choirs, or as pa s­ tor s' assistants, etc. H oweYer , as a rul e the men and women who work their way through th e Institute are at a disadvan­ tage, and it is not ad vised, except where absolutely necessary. No one shou ld enter without suffi cient fund s to carry them through at least one semester . and it is better fo r them to be prov ided for the ful] cost of the ir board a nd room fo r the con­ templated period of their stay . \Ve would suggest to those who have not suffi cient fund s to carry them through the school year that they endeaYor ( l ) to interest their home church in und ertaking thei r support as a home mi ss ionary. Inasmuch as all of the students a re required to engage in practical Chri st;an work in connecti on with their studi es, they a re , in fact, real home mi ss ionari es . (2) Interest the l\ 1 iss ionar)-' Society , or Young People's Society, or Sunday School, of your church in the matter of your support. (3) In­ terest some friend who would like to make an in vestment for the Lord by assisting you in your preparati on for Chr; stian work.


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