




O n their g raduati on, the Institute is pleased to do what it can to place student s permanent ly in Chri stian work, but it does not 0 ·Lurantee work to any one on leav ing the Inst itute. Men and women wi lli ng to do any work that the Lord calls them to do, and who ha ve g raduated at the Inst itute usuall y find the special place of ser vice that the Lord has for them , without much difficulty .

Classification of Students

Stud ent s are class ifi ed as follows :

l. Regular Student s. Those who take the full work in any cou rse . 2. Special Students . Those who cannot take the fu ll work of any of the courses fo r reasons whi ch are sati sfacto ry to the Facu lty. The minimum work of a special student is five Bible classes a week, and one assignment. Special stud ents living in the building pay an increased rate fo r room and board of twenty per cent. They are requ ired to take the examinations on the subj ec ts fo r whi ch they are enroll ed, the same as the regular stud ents. 3. Post-Graduate Stud ent s. Those who having completed the two vea rs' course of the Institute wish to rema in fo r further work. A ll the priYileges of the regular student are g ranted them . The ir cla ss room work and ass ignments are arranged in confe rence wit h the Secretary of the Faculty. -1-. l\1issiona r ies on Furlough. Spec ia l arrangements are made fo r the accommoclat;on and studi es of home and fo reign mi ssiona ri es on furl ough. Such should write to the Institute fo r further inf ormati on. They are warmly welcomed . Vacations The regul a r classes of the Inst itute a re not in session dur­ ing July, A ugu st, and part o f September, though special lec­ tures a re g iven from time to time during those month s. There is a recess at Chri stmas and anothe r at Easter, vary­ ing from ten clays to two weeks. ( See Ca lendar, page 5) .


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