

JOHK ?II. :-Iacn.:r-:I S L Philoso phy o f th e Chri s t ian Reli g ion, Church H istory, Chri s tian E vidence s, Ke w T es tament Expos ition RALPJ l ATKIN SON .H omil eti cs, E vangeli sm, Pastor a l Theo logy, Public Speaking H. W. KELLOGG ' Bibl e Doctrin e, Expos ito ry S tudi es in the Epi s tl es, Redempti ona l Hi s tory o f Cr eati on, K. T. Gr eek J OI-IN MARV I N DEAK, Sys temati c Theol ~gy 1.,, JOHN H . H U KTER Synth eti c Bible S tudy. Bibl e Chapt er S umma ry, H ome a nd Fo reign :-fi ss ions l 7 lorence ~I. Chaff ee Chri s ti a n lcduca ti on. Child Katurc. Bible S tory T ellin g, S und ay Schoo l M ctl 10ds JOlJ K i\ . J--I BB .I\ RD T eacher T raining, Practi ca l Chri s ti a n \\"ork ( :-lcn ) :-CRS. BESS E D. :-[ c AKLI S Women· s W ork, Devoti ona l Lif e, Chri s tian Etiquette :-!ARIE CARTER ✓ Engli sh, Introducto ry Bibl e S tudi es. Practi ca l Chri sti an \Vork ( Women ) \\TLLIAllI H . PHZI~ Bibl e Doctrin e, Anal ys is, Bibl e Cha pter S ummary, P roph ecy KEITII L BROOKS - Bibl e S tudy Cour ses by Co rr es pond ence- Doc trin e, P ersona l \\ 'o rk, etc, JOH K B. TRO\\"BRIDGC :-fu sic- Yoice. :\"' ota t ion, Co ndu cting, :li en 's Glee Club, Hi story o f :- fusic. Hymno logy JIERB I.O: RT G. TOV EY - :-[u sic- JTa rmony, Conducting, VVomcn' s Glee Club, Vo ice CHRI STI AK :-1. BOOK S ~ ?If usic-Voice WTL \f A KRAG :i\tl'u sic- Pi ano

ALFRED BUTLER :-[ usic- Pipe Organ


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