



Diplomas D;pl oma s will be g ranted upon the fo llowing conditi ons : 1. Two yea rs' res idence in L os A nge les, and attendance. upon the prescri bed cla sses . Due c redit wi ll be allowed for work clone in our EYening or Co rrespondence Schools, or in other institut; ons, whi ch is sim ilar or eq ui va lent to that offered by th e Inst itute . The amount of credit wi ll be dec ided by the teacher in the pa r ticu lar course in quest ion. XOTl.': .-'l' h0 l l ild <' cou r se or the i\f oorl ,· Hil>lc Tnstil.ulc of C-hi­ cag-n be in·g al n1osl idc-nlical ,vilh l h e n : g ul ar cou r se o( the Bible I n~titutc· of Los .\ng-eles. it i s possibh• to g r ant. studt•nts of that institution equal c r ,..rl it for studies taken there. and also to grant ('1 1ua\ a l l(J\\':ll1C:C for r c~iclt•ll('l' tht>n· I() the PX 1 t'11 L or Olli' Y('a r. Su('h students mu st ])0 in r es id ence here at lca~t one yea r in ord er to b e t· li g- ihl c for grad uati on. 2 . The mai ntenance of a consistent Chri st ia n chara cter, such maintenance to be decided by the f acu ity of th e In st itute . 3. Commendable zeal in pract ical Ch ri stian work. --1-. Proficiency in E ngli sh, prO\·en by th e presentation uf a sat;sfacto ry g radua ting thes is. and by a public address . 5. Passing g rad es in t he courses o f stud y . The passi ng grade iE all studi es is 75. Stud ent s receiving less than thi s mark mu st take the work OYer aga in , or offer a spec ial examina ti on as the teacher in the part icular cou rse may des ignate. 6. Soundn ess in doc t rin e, lo be determin ed b\ the FacultY . There is a charge of one dollar and a half ($1. 50) fo r tl~e dip loma. Letters of Recommendation Letters of recommenclati on are not g;\'en to stud ent s. .'\ student' s g rades in hi s studies, howe\'e r. will be gladl y furni shed when offic ially requested by a ny in stituti on desiring to g ive creel its for work clone at the J nst itute. J n such case the name and aclclress of th e lZegistrar mu st be furni shed to the Secretary of the Faculty of the In st itute. The Alumni Association The A lumn i As~ociation holds a la rge place in the hea rt s of all former Bible In stitute stud ents. T he la rgest gathering o f th e year is naturall y that held in

Fifty -nine

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