



connect ion with the Graduating Exercises in June. T he smaller gatherings he ld usually in December and Ma rch are much en j oyecl by all who can attend them, the delightful info rmality a nd sociabili ty that makes so natural and easy the interchange of experi ences have a pecu li a r charm that is lacking in the large r and more fo rmal gatheri ngs, while the afternoon of praye r brings a blessi ng that is indescribable . A ll fo rmer student s should keep in touch with the Associa­ t ion. The officers fo r 1925-6 a re: A lbert F rank Faucette.... ... ........... . ........ .. .. .......... .....P resident Cutl er B. W hi twe ll ,............ .. .... .. ... ...... . .. ....V ice-P res ident Berti e Guiteau ................... ................ .. ........... ..... ... .. ...... Treasurer Helen \\ .hi te ............. .. ...... Secreta ry Addres s lette rs to them at the Institute.


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