



The Evening School

What it is. T hat department of the B ible In stitute of Los A ngeles holding evening classes in Bibl e study, Gospel Music, and Methods of Chri st ian work. For Whom Intended . For earnest, consecrated men and women employed in bu siness or otherwi se engaged during the cl ay, willing to study evenings to secure thorough equ;pment for intelligent, aggres­ sive Chri stian work; fo r superintend ent s and teachers of Sun­ day Schools who realize their need of a better knowledge of t he B ibl e and method s of Chri st ian work; for young men and women des iring to devo te some spare time to city mi ss ion work ; for young people looking forward to work in the home or for­ eign mi ss;on field, who cannot attend the clay school of the Inst itute ; for eve ry Chri st ian ma n a nd woman wi shing a more thorough and sys temati c knowl edge of th e \ iVo rcl of Goel. The Full Course. T he full course necessa ry to qualify fo r a dipl oma covers three yea r 's work. B ible and Music Classes are held on l\Ionclay, Thursday and Fr iday. For periods and subj ects see pages 64-67. Dur ing the summer month s studi es are carried on by cor­ respondence. Terms. There a re four terms in 1 each year as fo llows: Fall Term, t he last Monday in September to the Second Thursday in December, 12 weeks. vVinte r Term, the first Monday in January to the fourth Thursday in March, 12 weeks. Sp ring Term, the fir st Monday in Apr il to the last Thurs­ day in June, 12 weeks. Summer Term, the first Monday of July to the third week o f September , 12 weeks .


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