

Course. The course includes a ca reful study of the lead ing doc­ trines of the B ible; th e reading and stud y of the whole Bible from Genesis to Revela t ion by book, chapter , anal ytic or other method s ; a complete course in the use o ( the Bibl e in Personal \\Tork; B;bli cal Introduct ion; Chri stian Ev idences; ]\ f iss ions; the Preparation and Delive ry of Gospel Add resses and Bible Expositions; Sunday School. and other :slethods of Chri stian work. Music. In mu sic. the students are d rill ed in sight read ing , conduct­ ing cong regat ional sing ing, and harmony. P riva te instructi on in voca l and inst rumenta l mu sic is a lso arranged fo r when des ired . For spec ial rates see page 5--1- . Those who take private vocal or instrumental music lessons a re required to attend a t least two Bibl e sess ions a week. Practical Christian Work Required . E nrolled stud ents a re req uired to engage in definite Chri s­ tian work in connect ion with their own church, und er the supervision of the Secreta ry of the Even;ng School, the stud ent thus putting in practice what has been studi ed in the class room. Weekly Reports. Stud ents are furni shed blank fo rms on whi ch a ca reful report of study and work mu st be made a nd handed in weekly . Cards on whi ch to record names and add resses of inquirer s or conve rt s are furnished . the purpose being lo get eYe ry convert connected with some church. How Many Classes. \Vhi le t he course is a rranged so t hat persons of a ve rage ab ility, empl oyed during the day, can take all the classes, the Secretary ,,·ill a lways be glad to a rra nge the number a nd char­ acte r of classes attended to suit the special needs o f tudents. Our aim is to help each indiYidual as mu ch as poss ible. Credit Cards. Stud ents compl eting a term's work a nd pass ing satisfactory examina ti ons are g iven a C redit ca rd showing their stand ing in the examinati ons. Diploma. A Diploma is g iven stud ents sa ti sfactori ly complet ing the three years' course .


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