

THE COURSE OUTLINED The Course is so ar ranged that in it every book of the Bible is studied bv one or more methods . F or deta il s o'f the va ri ous studies, see pages 2 1-..\-1. FIRST YEAR (1923-24)-FALL TERM l\[on. 6 :30 l\ lusic,- Ha rmonv. 8 :15 T he Doctrine of ,God . T hurs. 6 :-l-5 l\ Iu sic,- Notat ion and Sight Reading .

7 :30 Biblical Introducti on 1. 8 :1 5 T he Doctrine of God .

6 :1 5 P ersona l \ \fork 7 :00 Old Tes tament H jstory- Pos t-Capt i,·ity Per iod. 7 :00 How to T each Child ren. 8 :00 Syntheti c Bible Studi es- The Gospels. WINTER TERM

F r i.

Mon. 6 :30 :'.\ f usic,- I-Ia rmony .

8 :1 5 Bibl e Doct rine of J esus Chri st. T hurs. 6 :45 Music,-Notati on a nd S io-ht Read ing . 7 :30 Bibli ca l In t roducti on 2 . 8 :1 5 Bible Doct rine of J esus Chri st. Fri. 6 :1 5 P er sonal W ork

7:00 Chapter Summa ry No . I Gen. , Ex ., L ev ., Num. 7 :00 Studies in the Gospel of 1\fatth ew. 8 :00 Syntheti c Bible Studies- Acts, I and II T hessa­ lonians, I _ and II Corinthi ans. SPRING TERM.

Mon. 6 :30 Music,- H a rmonv.

8 : 15 Bible Doct rine of J esus Chr ist. T hurs. 6 :-l-5 Music,-Notat ion and Sight Reading . 7 :30 Chri sti an Ev idences . 8:1 5 Bible Doct rine of J esus Chri st. F ri. 6 :15 Personal \1\/ork

7 :00 Chapter Summary No . II- Deuteronomy to II Samuel.

7 :00 S tudies in special portions. 8 :00 Synthet ic Bibl e Stud ies. SUMMER TERM.

vVork to be clone by co rrespondence. Chapter Summary No . III- I and II Kings, Obadi ah, J oel , J onah, Amos, H osea, I saiah .


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