



Correspondence School I nstniction by co rrespondence long since ceased to be an expe r iment and took a well -earned place as a duly acc red ited met hod of educat ion. If it lacks the per sonal t ouch of th11 class- room, it has some adva ntages that the class-room doe~ not have. It intensifi es orig inality, g ives more t ime fo r con­ siderat ion. and increases determ ination. T he B ible Institute of Los Angeles offers to men a nd women who a re rrov ident iall y hindered from attend ing the Bible In stitute, se\·era l Ye ry practical courses to be taken by correspondence . All are des igned with the t hought of drivi ng the student to the ·wo rd o f Goel itself , and causing him t o work out fo r himsel f t he Sc r ipture teachings . T hey are not courses of reading. T hey a re tools with whi ch to work. Each course is printed in loose- leaf fo rm, pun ched for binde r. and a substant"ial binde r will be fu rni shed a t small cost. Quest ions, with Scripture refe rences to supply the answers, a re frequent ly employee! . Statements are pa r tly formul ated , leav­ ing the student to complete them . Other methods are used to promote or ig inali ty in the student. The Registration Cost T he registrat ion fee incl udes all instnict ion papers. Courses cannot be sent un ti l regis t rat ion fee is received . Uni ­ fo rm exam ina tion paper fo r answer ing ques ti ons will be sup­ plied at the ra te of 25 cents per 50 sheets, postpaid. P rin ted chap ter summary blanks fo r Courses 3 and 7, 30 cents per 50, postpa id . Loose- leaf binde r fo r lesson sheets, 75 cent s, postpaid. Examinat ion pape r is required for all cou rses except Xo. 2. Studen ts also requ ired to f urn ish postage fo r the return of their lessons. Time for Completing Course Two yea rs is the t ime all owed for completion of any one course, bu t they may be compl eted in much shorte r t ime. Regula r progress is des ired , and if for any reason progress cannot be made. the stud ent is asked to info rm the sec reta ry. A rrangement s can be made for extend ing t he t ime limit, where condit ions necess itate such.

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