



D iscontinuance of Studies Reg istrat;on fees a r e not return ee! to stud ent s di scon­ t inu ing any o f the courses. A stu dent may not tran sfer from one course to another after some wor k has been r eported on a course. \\ .hen a course ha s been a ll owed to lapse, and the student ha s not r espo nd ed to inquiri es, hi s name is dropped from the list of reg ularly enroll ed stud ent s, but may be reinstated by pay ing an add iti onal fee of 50 cents. If a stud ent is dropp ing th e s tud ies. and wi shes t o receive the bal­ a nce of papers fo r re fe rence, he should notify the secreta r v and requ est the forwa rding of all 1xq5e r s. Priv ileges Offered The sec retary w ill answer rea sonab le questions r elated to the lessons. and will he g lad to ach·i se the student or hel p in any way at any t ime. so far as poss ibl e . Credit Allowed on Institute Work Co rrespond ence stud ents who wish t o enter the B ible In stitute later may arrange to r ece i1·e some cred it on completed cour ses one. three and seYen. Fundamen tal Doctrines of Chr is­ tian ity, Through the O ld T estament a nd ?\ew Testament by Book and Chapt er s . by con fcrring w ith th e Sec reta ry of the Faculh· of the l nst itute. Certificate on Completion A Bible fn st itute certifi ca te is present ed when a course is success fully completed. A stud ent who wi shes to take the studies without examinati ons . may do so by forfeit ing the r ight to rece iYe a cert; ficate. Enrollment A pplicati on shou ld be made on the r egular application blank which th e sec r etary will supply , and accompanied by the r emittance in fu ll. l\Take money orders payabl e to Bible In sti­ tute of L os Angeles .

S ixty-nine

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