

The Courses Offered Course No. 1

FUNDAl\IENTAL DOCTRINES OF CHRI STIAN­ ITY, Dr. R. A . T orrey, Inst ructor. Price $5. (Engli sh lt7s .. including all postage.) Thorough topical study of the grea1 doctrines of Scripture, such as the Inspiration of the Scriptures Goel, Chr; st, Holy Sp irit, Satan , etc. The student fills in por­ tions of the study sheets, and when the papers are submitted, compari son work is returned, by which the student can judge hi s work and get further help befo re taking exam inat ions. Can he completed in one yea r. Course No . 2 STUDIES I N THE GOSPELS, Rev. Keith L. Brooks. Inst ru ctor. Price $5 . (Eng li sh lt7s., including postage.) A verse by ve rse study of Matthew and J ohn im·olving compari ­ sons wi th l\I ark and L11ke. Chri st's K;ngclom teachings are illuminated by cl ea r notes by :\Tr . Brooks in which Scripture references a re always used for proof . A fascinating way tc take up the study of the li fe and teachings of the Sav ior. The student is requ ired to fill in blank spaces in lesson sheets and submit the work. The studi es a re well adapted fo r class work Course No. 3 THROUGH THE OLD TESTA:\IENT BY BOOKS AND CHAPTERS, Rev. Tohn H. Hunter, Inst ructor . Pri ce $3 . (English 18s., inclucli~g all postage.) T hi s is the chapter summa1·y method of study. The studen t reads each chapter. working out the required points on each, and recording in blanks provided . This is submitted for correcti on, and com­ parison work by l\1r. H 'unte r accompanies the paper s on their return to the student. Introductory stud ies to each book of the Old T estament a1·e given. Can he compl eted in one yea r . See Course No . 7 THROCGH THE NEW TESTA l\1ENT, etc. Course No . 4 PER SONAL EVANGELI S:\[ AND PRACTICAL ·woRK, Rev. T. C. Horton, I nst ructo r. Pri ce $3 .50. (Engli sh 18 shillings, including postage.) Includes a bri ef doct r inal course and gives pract ical and Scriptura l methods of dealing with thr

Seve nty

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