



Courses for Group Work Where Each Desires Credit J\fay two or more persons pursue a course together usi ng the same set of lessons? Yes- in all courses except Nos . 1, 2 and 6- by payi ng cost and a half. and each person making application on our regu lar en rollment blank. Th is wi ll entitle each person to the benefits of the Co rrespond ence Schoo!, including an Institute ce rtifi cate upon the successfu l passing of examinations. Persons so en rolling are of cou rse placed upon their honor that they will work out their examinations by t hemselves . Courses for Group Work Where Credit ls Not Desired If a person en ro ll ed in a correspondence course wishes to use h;s cou r se fo r teaching a cla ss, the lllelllbers not caring to have the pr ivili ges of the Co rrespondence School, we can f urni sh the princ;pa l study mater ia l at the fo llowing prices : Supplen1e11tal Course . by '.\frs . Keith L. Brooks-especially for those young in t he Faith . '.\ fa terial on ly. jQ cents . (Regul ar enrollment , $ 1. ) Course l-Fundamental Doct rines, by Dr. R. A. Tor rey . :\Taterial on ly . $3. (Regular enroll ment. $j .) Course .?- Stud ies in the Gospe ls. by l,eith L. Brooks. :\Taterial onl y . $2 . (Regular enrollment. $j .) Course 3- 0 ld Testament Chapter Summary , by J ohn H. Hunter. ~laterial only, $2 . (Regular enrollment, $3 . ) See also Course 7 . Course ./- Personal E1·angeli s111 and Practical \\'ark, by T. C. H orton. :\ fate r ia l onl y. $ 1.7j_ (Regu lar enrollment , 53 .jQ_) Course. 5- Book Stud ies C01·er ing the Bible, by \ Y. H. p;ke . '.\ laterial onl y . $ 1]j_ (Regular enrollment, $3.) Course 6- nible Beginners' Course, by Keith L. Brooks. ~Tater ial onl y, 6j cent s, or lots of dozen set s or more, jQ cent s each. (Regular enrollment, $2 .) Course ?- ='Jew Testament Chapte r Summary \\Tork, by John H. Hunter. :\Taterial only. $ 1.jQ_ (Regular enrollment, $3 .) Add ress Secretary. Correspondence School, B ibl e In st itute of L os A ngeles. j36-:ij8 South Hope St ., L os Angeles, Cali £.


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