Evangelistic Department
T he Inst itute conducts aggress ive evangeli st ic wo rk, under competent leadersh ip, a long the fo llowing li nes: Among the Mexicans; Shops and Factories; among the Seamen in Pacific Coast Harbor s ; H ouse to H ouse V isitat ion a nd Bible Class ·work by nihle \\ 'omen; among the Jews ; a B ible Inst itute in Hunan, Ch ina . The Work of the Bible Women This wo rk came in to ex istence as the result of a deeply felt need to reach women in the home. and was organi zed by Mr s. Anna L. H or ton in January, 1909. "Bible \ ,Vomen" seemed to be the onl y appropriate name by whi ch to designate tho e chosen and consecrated to the work of sav ing souls by leading them to Chri st, reclaiming back. licl ers. meeting, warn ing and instru cti ng those who have been m; slecl hy fa lse re li gions . and establ ishing bel ieYe rs through the teaching of the \Yore! of Goel. The Bible \\loman 's \.VOrk is fo und wherever the circum sta nces spe ll opportunity. H er working hours are any in the twenty-four when the Lord can use her fo r comf or ting, help ing, winning back, or saYi ng ]~er sisters . The ma jor part of her work ;s house to house v isitati on in an assigned d ist ri ct, organi zing a nd teach ing Bible classes, meeting woillen in bu siness 01fices, speaki ng across counters, goi ng from bed to bed in the 11osp ital s, a nd tactfu lly conve r sing in the rest rooms of the bu siness houses . The B ible \!\Toman aids pastors by tra;ning the church members fo r more enic ient se n ·ice, and by finding in her v is ita ti on the backslider a nd the un churchecl , and report ing the same to some pastor. Since the orga ni zation of the work. thi s hand of devoted women has spent one entire morning each week in coun sel and prayer, knowing that thei1- work can only glor;fy Goel through the power of the H oly Spirit .
Seventy -four
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