


The Spanish Work A competent, consecrated worker, with a real love for the Spanish people, is maintained to labor among the Spanish­ speaki ng peopl e of the city ;:i ncl surrounding town s including the many camps composed of Mexican laborers. The work consists of personal interviews, with Bible classes and Gospel meetings where poss ible, as a result of, which ve ry many have been brought out of darkness into the gloriou s light of the Gos­ pel of Chri st . The Shop Work In th e shops, facto r ies, car barns and fire engi ne houses. hundreds of men are fou nd whose circumstances form an almos t insurmountable ba rri er to their attendance upon regular church sen ,ices, and among these our evangelists bold Gospel meeti ngs on week-days and press the claims of t he Lord J esus Chri st upon men, many of whom become Chri st ians o f the sturdiest type. Seamen's Work of the Bible Institute Our Pacific ports are teeming with the traffic of the wor ld. Ships hailing fr om South Ameri ca, X[exico, E urope, As ia, China, Japan, Australia and the island s of the sea, with crews. immig rants, travelers of a ll races, pass to and fro from all parts 6f the g lobe. Recognizing th is great opportunity and responsibi li ty, we have entered on the task of eva ngelizing thi s cosmopolitan throng. Vve are all obligated to the sa il or. His life is one of privations, peculiar ha rdship a-ncl peri l, physically, morally and spirituall y . No class is more neglected; none more responsive to and g ratef ul fo r our efforts. The work is in cha rge of an especia ll y efficient and com­ petent Superi ntendent , upon whose labors the bless ing of Goel has rested in abundant measure. The a im is to reach every man on board with the Gospel. and to prov ide them with the Scriptu res and other Chri stian litera ture free of charge. Ser­ vices a re held whenever and wherev er possible on all vessels. and many personal interviews are had. The worker does not wa i!: on shore for the men to come to him, but himself boards the vessels. He does not confine hi s work to the sail ors, but ha s had the joy of dealing with


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