



many office rs in th e cabin s, and ha s g iven t he Cospel to thou­ sands o f passenge rs from Japan , China and K orea, en route to South America . T hu s the wo rk is a combinat ion of home a nd fo reign se r vice.- Ameri ca ns . E ng li shmen, H awaiian s, Neg roes, Span­ iards, Greeks, I ta li a ns, Fi li p inos, Norwegian s, Siamese, Chi­ nese, Japa nese . a ll reached within two weeks . a nd a ll hav ing th e rnessage, e ither by lip or tract , in their own la nguage . The Bible Institute in Hunan Province, China T he ma in feat ures of the work o f the B ible ] nst itute m Hunan Province, Ch;na, are : The B ibl e ] nstitute a t Cha ngsha . The Biola Evange lis ti c Bands . T he Hunan A utumn B ible School a nd Con fe rence at Kan Yoh. th rough the agency o f a ll of whi ch a n intensive and ex tensive e\"ange li sm is ca rr ied on. Thi s wo rk is unde r the d irec ti on of Dr. Frank A . K ell er , fo r rna ny yea rs conn ected with t he Chi na Inla nd l\[;ss ion . The Bible Institute at Changsha O ne of the g reat needs in China today is tha t of t ra inecl nati l'e pasto rs a ncl evangelist·s who a re thoroughly sound in the fa ith. who know the truth ancl know how to impart it to others , a nd who ha1·e a pass io 1 1. fo r the los t. The coll ev-es and semina ri es a lreacll· establi shed in China . whi ch a re co;~d uctecl along the lines ~f those in Ameri ca , cl o not meet th; s need, a nd it can onl y be met by B ible Insti tut es such as that whi ch D r. I(ell e r has establi shed at Changsha. U e reports an enro ll ­ ment fo r t hi s yea r of more than 100 men a nd 30 women stu­ dent s , with othe r appli cat ions waiting dec ision. "\Y ith the new buildings now pract; cal ly comp leted, th ere is every reason tu believe that thi s numbe r wi ll be Yery la rgely increased . The Biola Evangelistic Bands The B iola E Ya ngelisti c Band s a re ba nds of Chinese evan­ geli sts a nd student eva ngeli sts, sent out by the Bible In stitute o f L os A ngeles, in Hunan, to do a work o f wi despread, and at


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