


the same time, Yery intensiYe eYangehm, mainl y in the fie lds hitherto unreached by the Gospel. O ur specia l sphe re of work is not in cities where Gospel work has been goi ng on for yea rs und er a permanently estab­ li shed agency, but in the outl: ·ing untouched districts. \Ye enter a field onl y on the written invitati on of the mi s­ sion responsible fo r that field. O ur work consists of house- to­ house evangelism, talking to ind ividual s and litt le groups in the homes of the people. and giving suitabl e Gospel literature to those who manifest an interest in the message. \\ ' hen people, become interested. we organ ize Bible classes and seek to lead them to a fuller knowledge of t he truth as it is revea led in God's \Yord . \Ye also hold open-air services in markets and other suitabl e public places, and generall y conduct an eYening evangelistic se rvice in some rented bu il ding or large inn. Each band consis ts o f twelve men and a trained leader. \\' e now haYe 12 bands working in three proYinces, a total of 156 men. fJ11ring a P eriod of .Nine .lfo11ths our workers v isited over 200,000 homes and d istributed over 700.000 Gospel books and tracts, hundreds of homes were cleared of their idols and in 33 places sel £-supporting centers of worship were es tablished which. by God's bl ess ing . will become true self-supporting churches. Each day after their pri vate Bible study and prayer, the men of each band have an hour a nd a half of united B ible stud v conducted by the leade r of the band·, before they go out to their clay 's work. Th is stud y is part of a regular systematic courst: coYering a period of two yea rs . A year or two of solid work in one of the Biola Evan­ ge li sti c Bands g iYes a uniqu e and inva luable expe ri ence. \Ve mos t earnest ly f' ecommend eve ry stud ent of the Hunan Bible Inst itute to do at least one year of this work. It far more than doub les the value of the two yea rs' course at Changsha, and the mi ss ion that makes the additiona l sacrifice and permits the stud ent to re111a in with us fo!· the extra yea r, howeve r mu,h they may be pressed fo r help, will be ri chly rewa rded . As soon as a stud ent g raduates from the Bible School and begins work in one of the Biola Evangelistic Bands, he is pa;d a rea sonabl e sa lary, and so is no longer dependent on hi s mis­ sion for the dail y needs either of himself or hi s family.


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