
FORM I APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES (INCORPORATED) AND THE BIBLE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 558 South Hope St. Los Angeles 13, Cal. The applicant will fill out the following in ink, and mail to the Superintendent of Men or Women of the Bible Institute of Los Ange les. Among the indispensable conditions of admission are approved Christian character, consecration. love for souls, good common sense, willingness to work and to be taught, criticized, and guided. The applicant should be at least eighteen years of age, or a high school graduate and under forty-five years of age . He should be a Christian for at least one year. The filling out of this blank and the mailing of the registration deposit does not mean that the student is accepted. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance, and are received on trial. If found unadapted to Christian work they will be frankly told the fact . I. THE APPLICANT.

I. Name in full (not initials) _·______________________Male O female O

2. Present address:_____ ____________________ __________

3. Home address·'------------------------------------

4. Blrthplace:

Date of Bi rth:

5. Race:__


6. Married?_

No. of Children

Glue recent photo or snapshot

sheet of p aper. If you hav e ever been divorced give details on a dditional

of yourself here .

7. Will your mate also attend?

If engaged, is your fiance{e) also coming?

a lcoholic beverages-tobacco-atten_d theatres-

9. Do you use

dance-pla y cards?

10. Do you co nsider yourself a definitely saved individua l ?___

II. What is your denominational affiliation ?___________ ______________

Name of home church?_______________________________

12 . What is your definite purpose for coming to our institution?_________________ _



I. Parent (or , legal guardian) ·c.------------------------------ 2. Address:___ _____________ ___________ Ph o ne______ ___

3. Father living ?_______Occupation: 4. G ive name , address , and t e lep ho ne number of a perso n who sho uld be contacted in case of a n emer-



5. Are your p a re nts Chri st ia ns ?_____________________________

6. Members of family p revio usl y attending

thi s ins t itution:____________________


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