



the same time, Yery intensive e\·angehm. mainly in the fi eld s hitherto unreached by the Go~spel. O ur special sphere of work is not in citi es where Gospel work ha s been going on for yea rs under a permanently estab­ lished agency, hut in the ou tl:-ing un touched d istr icts . \\· e enter a field onl v on the wr itten im·itation of th e mi s­ sion responsible for that fie ld. Our wo rk consist s of house- to­ hou se el'a nge lisrn , ta lking to incliYiclual s ancl li tt le groups in the homes of the people . and g i\·ing suitable Gospel literature to those who manifest an in terest in t he message. \\ ' hen people, become interested. we organi ze Bibl e classes and seek to lead th em to a full er kn owledge of t he truth as it is rnea led in God's \Ya rd . \i\',:, a lso hole] open-air services in markets and other suitable publi c places, and gene rall y conduc t a n evening eva nge listic service in some rented building or large inn. E ach band con sist s of tweh·e men and a trai ned leacl e r. \\' e now have 12 band s working in three proYinces, a total of 156 men. Duri11_r; a. Period of Nine Jlfo11ths our wo rke rs visited over 200.000 homes and di st ributecl Ol'er 700.000 Gospel books a ncl tract s, hundreds of homes were cleared of t heir idols and in 33 places self- supporting centers of wor ship were establi shecl wh ich, by God's bless ing . will become t ru e self-supportin g chu rches . Each day after their pr iva te B ible stucly a nd prayer . the men of each band haYe an hour and a ha lf of united Bible .- tucly conductecl by the leader of the ba nd, before they go out to their cl ay's work. This study is part of a regu lar systemati c cour sl.'. CO\·e ring a peri ocl of two yea r s. A vear or two of solid work in one of the B iola EYan - gel ist ic ·Bands g ives a uniqu e a nd i1waluabl e experi ence. \ i\fe most earnesth· recommencl e\·en· stuclent o f the Hunan B ibl e Ins ti tute to cl; at least one yea r of t hi s work . It fa r more than cl oub les th e Y:1lue of the t·wo yea r s' course at Changsha. a nd the mission that makes the adclit ional sacri fice and permits t he stucl ent to re111ai n with 11s for t he extra Year. however mLwh they may. -be pressed for help. wi ll be rich l): rewarded. As soon as a student g raduates from the B ibl e School and begins work in one of the Biola EYangeli st ic Bands, he is pa;d a rea sonable sala ry , a nd so is no longer dependent on hi s mi s­ sion fo r the da il y needs eithe r o{ himself or hi s fa mil y.


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