



Biola Hall Our Cit,· Mission at 42 1 South Mai n treet is admirably loca ted fo r tl1e work which i · being conducted t here. Thou­ sa nd of men pass its doors , day a nd ni ght. The Hall is li ght, cheery, and well equipped for defin ite, personal. evangelistic work . Meet ings are held in the entrance o f th e ha ll. which is so arranrred that at lea st fifty men can gather from the st reet, without interferring with the traffic a nd on our own premises. A n aud ience ca n be secured in five m in­ utes at any time of the day or night . t hu s prov id ing the best place for persona l work we have ever had. N umbers of men are broug ht to· Chr; st each clay . In conn ec ti on wi th this work. a noon-day prayer meet ing is held. and a l\ 'l en's B ibl e Class on Sundav afte rnoon. The hundreds of young men who ar~ corning to t he city affo rd us an unu sual opportunity of reaching the111 at the c rn­ cial ti111e . Th is is a real trai11i11g school for t he practi ca l work of lea rning how to preach by preac hing.

The Fishermen's Club ( See Page 57 )

O n l\fonday e,·en ing, Apr; ! J 6, 1906, a little g roup of se1-c nteen you ng men gathered togethe r to study the Bible, and to engage in persona l work . U nd er the leade r hip of Rev. T. C. ·1 fort on a systematic and inspirati onal study o f the B ible was begun. A few month s pa ssed a nd th e cla ss grew in numbers, until in th e summe r of 1906 it was organized und er the name of the "Fishermen 's Cl ub.' ' (See :'llatthew -1- :19 ) and now has an a tt end a nce of between two and three hundred. There ha s been strict adherence to the princ ipl e o i stri1·ing fo r a s;ng le obj ect, Yi z.. the study of God's \\ .o rd. and the doing of act i1·e, aggres­ s i1·e persona l work for the L ord J esus Chri st. l n these eighteen years. 111 ore than one hundred men have gone out fro111 the Club in to defi nite Chri st ian work , some as mi ss iona ri es in fo reign fi eld s . und er th e various e, ·angel ical denominati ons,- one a medica l mi ss iona ry . T hey a re found in China. Japan . S iam. A frica and Central and South America, as well as in many fie lds in our own land.


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