



The Lyceum Club ( See Page 58 )

Thi s uni que orga n; za t ion , found ed by J\J rs . A nna L. H or­ ton, st ill pro\·es its need of liYing and th e power of its well-li ved li fe. Its purpose is not to a f o rd amu sement to g irls , bu t t o help them ma ture in to a \1·ell-roun ded Chri st ia n young woman­ hood. ;(e \·e rtheless the socia l hour and th e hour fo llowing t he lesson. affo rds t he111 the fe ll owship tha t all young people need. The ~eYe ra l hundred office and store g ir ls who conside~ th emseh ·es me111bers a re represented eac h Tuesday ni ght by a goodl y number at t he suppe r tab le and ;n the Bibl e Cla ss whi ch fo ll ows. ::\ !a ny a homesic k. mothe rl ess g irl has bee n broug ht in by fri ends a nd saYed mu ch by th e hea rty f ell owship, wi se coun­ sel a nd fr iend shi p whi ch she has fo und in the Clu b. So111e good Chri s ti a n women, who a re alway s in attendance, are of untold help to these g irl s . There a re praye r circles which are pl edged to dail y prayer a nd commi t111 ent of Sc ri ptures . S ick-beds and so r row?ng mem­ bers are not fo rgo tten, as the many messages and Yi sits prove. A bsentees are kept in constant touch with th e Club by a co111- 111ittee whi ch looks a ft e r such co rrespond ence, and the cheer y Chri sti an letter s a re a help and bl ess ing. The Clu b has many representati-l'es in the fo reig n and home fi eld s. and each yea r there are many from the Club to tak e up th e regular Course of study in the Institute to prepare t hem fo r such work . Student Missionary Union The obj ec t of thi s organi zati on of the stud ent body is to stimul a te a nd foste r inte res t in the eYangeli zat ion of the needy pl aces of the world , both in the "Home" and "Fore ig n" fi eld s. The l,;' ni on unde r its own offi cers and committees , mee t s once :1 week. _,.\ la rge part of t he time is spent in defini te prayer for the definit e needs o [ mi ss ionar; es on the fi eld . and condi t ions in the fi eld. Lette rs fro111 former stud ent s haYe a p rominent pl ace a t thi s mee ting . a nd th ere is usuall y an address from :1 returned miss iona ry . whi ch keeps the stude nts in close touch with a ll pa rts of the \1· orkl.

Ei ghty-four

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