




The King's Business This magaz ine is, the oftic ia l organ of the Institute. It is issued monthl y, and has lately been enlarged and i111p roved. having added to its li st of cont ribu to rs a nu111ber of t he best known writers in t hi s a nd ot he r countries . I ts ed ito rial s a re a lways fra nk, fear less and timely . It<; contributed articles cm·er a wide ra nge of subjects and ring true to the fundamentals of our fa ith . A special feature of the magazi ne 1s its Sunday School Depa r tment, conta;ni ng helps fo r teache rs fo r both the regular International ser ;es and the \ Vho le Bibl e Sund av School Les­ son Course ( as arranged by the \\ ' oriel 's f-' uncl an{ental Associa­ tion). O ther helpful department s of the magaz ine are t he Young Peop le's Department. with sugges ti ons in connection w it h t h~ weekly Endeavo r topics; the Daily De\·otiona l Readings and Prayer Suggestions ; the Chi ldren' s Page; interest ing sto ri es from the evange l; stic worke rs of t he I nstitute, including the work of th e Hunan Bible Inst itute ( in China); Current Co111- ment a nd many other features of interest to the Lord's people . Students desi r ing to earn 111oney with which to meet par t of t hei r expenses whil e at th e In st itute may do so by taking ubscriptions for The K ing 's Business. f-'ull pa r t icul a rs of the plan 111ay be obtained by adcl ressi 1w the C rculation Depart111 ent of the King 's Busine~s . S36-jj8 S . H ope S tree t, Los Ange les . Cali forn ia . Sussrn 1PTfOi\" R .,TES: Domestic. $ ! .:2j a year ; Foreign , (i ncluding Canada ) $1. J0; or seven shi ll ings. Engli sh. The King's Business Sunday School Quarterly This is the Sunda\· School lesson mater ia l desc ri bed in the above paragraph . ;ssue~l in separate fo rm for com·eni ent use in the Su nday School. SrNGLE SuBSCRIPTI0"1 7j cents a yea r; ten or 111ore to one address each 60 cent s a yea r; foreign add l j cent s each sub­ sc ripti on fo r postage .


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