



The Finances of the Institute It has always been the pract ice of the Institute to make nn charge fo r tuiti on . From certain i1westments there is a limi ted income for the ca rryi ng on of the work of the Inst itute, but ir: acldit;on to thi s th ere is needed ann ua lly $ 100,000 for the main­ tenance of the work. This need is met each yea r b\· \ 'Oluntary contributions. an,~ those who believe in the teachings fo r wh ich the Bible Institute stand s. and the work which it is doing in training men and women fo r Chri stian usef uln ess. and ;n actua ll y winning men to Chri st wh ile they are being thus trained. are earnest ly requested to help in the fina ncial needs of the Inst itute. 1. By a contributi on to current expense . Ei ther large or smal l amounts will be g ratefu ll y rece ived, and wi ll assist mater­ ially in the work. 2. By assuming the expense of training a stud ent fo r one year. T his mean s donati ng to the Inst itute, not the cos t of his room and board , but the pro rata cost of hi s instruction, i.e., $1 75 . 3. By found ing a permanent fund for the training of a stud ent , ( as in paragraph 2) which fu nd may bear the name of the donor, if so desired. 4 . By endowing a Schola rsh ip. th e income from wh;ch will meet ' the expense of a stud ent fo r room and board. See page 89. 5. By inves ting in the ] nst itute on the Annuity P la n. See page 90. 6 . By remembering "Rible Institute of Los Angeles" in a last wi ll and testament. See page 92 . E \· ery contributor of $10.00 or more annua lly to the Insti­ tute, will rece i\'e The King's Business fr ee.

Ei g hty-eight

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