



The Annuity Plan Annui ty bonds are a fo rm of investment rapicl ly n sing in favor. They are highl y commend ed by financial advisors. ~ncl issued as among their clesirable proposit ions by the lead ing msurance compames. An annuity bond is a gua rantee to the a nnuitant of a fi xed income, proportioned to the amount of the bond and the ex pec­ tati on, or probable remai nd er of life at the t ime of purchas<" . a nd Yaries from-+~; to 10'.I<, or more according to age.

Advantages of Our Annuities

The im·estment is beyond the ri sk of specul at ion and the ,·iciss itudes of trade and commerce. T he income is not subject to fluctuat ;on, or possibly, a nni­ hi lat ion. The im·estment" is permanent. and past the worry ancl hazard of re- i1wes tment, with inc identa l loss of interest. The fund wi ll ultimate ly pass into the Lord's treasu1-y. and be used to promote th e spread of the Gospel "till He come." The legacy will he the gift of' a /ii•i11g rather than a d rn d hand . T here will be no cos ts fo r Higati on. or administ ration, and no a li ena t ion of the gift from the intenti on of the g ive r. T he percentage of annuities. with persons past middl e li fe, consicl erably exceed ord ina ry ra tes of in terest or di vidend s. F ull particulars upon applicat ion tci the Super intendent.


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