





Advantages a nd Privil eges .. A lumni .Associat ion, The..


...... ... ... ....... .59


.'\nnuity Pl an . Th e..

............... ....... ...92

Bequest. Lega l Fo rm of..


Ca lend a r


Class ifi ca ti on of Stud ents.. Co rr es pond ence Schoo l, Th e

... .. 68

Co ur se of S tudy-

Bibl e r\n a lys is

····· ······· ··· 26

Bibl e Criti cism .... ......... ... ...



Bibl e Introducti on

... . ... 25 ..... .....37

Bible Chapter S umma ry ..

Bible Land s a nd Yf a nn ers and Customs..

.. ..... ..............2-l

Bi ble Synth esis

Bible T each ers· Tra inin g Class ...

..33 ..26

Chri s ti an Ev id ences

. .. .. ....... ... .... .... ...... .. 27 ··· ··· ··21

Church Hi s to ry

D oc trina l S tudy o f the Bibl e.....

E va nge li sm

..... .... .... ..32


Hi sto ry an d P hil osophy o f th e Chri st ian Religion

...... ... .. ...31

H omil eti cs

.. .36

:.1 iss ions . ... .... ...... ........... .... .... .... ..


Mu sic

New T es tament Gr eek

··· ······ .37 . ·········32

P a s tora l T heo logy

P as tor s, Three Yea r Cour se fo r

.. .. .. ..................4-l

P edagogy


....... .........30

P er sona l \ \To rk

... ....... 27 ... .41 ·· ······ ····38

Phil osophy of th e Chri st ia n Reli g ion ..

Prac ti ca l Work

Preach er a nd Hi s Duti es, The

Proph ecy

··············· ··· ••·· •· · ··········· ····· •···· ..35


... ..33

P sychology a nd Socio logy.

P ublic Spea king a nd th e R eading of th e Scr iptur es ..

··········36 ..... .35

Reii g ious E ducati on Study o f En g li sh , Th e

.. .... .37

.35 ········· ·· ·36

S unday Schoo l Organiza ti on and '.If et hods ..

Use o f th e Bl ackboa rd , Th e....

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