




Courses of S tudy by Semesters Mi ss ion Course Mus ic Course Reg ular Course

...AS ······ ···· ······· ...... .48 .....................................47 .... -19 ....... ...... 50 ···· ·· ·· 59 ....... 16 ..... 1.2 .........59 ············55 .................................52

Religi o ns Education Three Year Co ur se ..

Credits Denominati onal and Doct r ina l Position .... Devoi-i o nal l_i fe Dip loma s Empl oyment and Finan cial f \ id..

Entrance Requir ements Evangelistic Depart mcnt Bibl e 'vVomcn. The .

........ .7-1 ... .78 .... ..83 ......... .75 ..83 ...... .75 ..8-1 .77 ...............77 . ..77 .........61 ······5-I ..........88 .. 13 ...... 5-1 ........52 ........92 .59 ....... 15 ...... 5-1 ..89 ......17 ............85 ····· ·· ··87

Bible Tn s titut c in Hunan Biola Hall The Enodia Club f.'i shermen· s Club. Th e J ew ish \\" o rk .. ...... ............................... .............. ......... l, yccum Club, Th e.. Seamen' s \,\Tork ... ..... . Shop and Factory .\lcetings Spani sh Work, Th e.. .. Even ing Schoo l. .

Expense of Room and Board .. Finances of th e ln st itut e, Th e.. For \Vhom Int end ed H os pital and N 11r ses' Fund .. In fo rmation for lntending Students Lega l Form of Bequest... . Letters of Recommendati on. Object of the Institute, Th e... Room a nd Board. Expense of Scho lars hip , Lega l Form o f F ounding a Statement o [ Faith.. Student ·Mis s iona ry U ni o n.. The King' s Bus iness .. Three Y car Co urse for Pas tors... Tuition Fees Vacations


.................. ...... .44 ..... 5-1 ... 56

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