



Advantages and Privileges 1. The fir st advantage of th e Institute is found in its corps of teache r s. men and women who have been specialists for many yea r s in the study of th e one Book, the Bible, and who haYe had many yea rs' experi ence in teaching that Book, some of them not onl y in Ameri ca, but in fo reign lands. Those now teacl1;11g at the Bible Inst itut e of Los Angel es have as­ sisted in fr aming the course of study in other Bible Institutes, now in success ful operati on, before coming to Los Angeles. T hese t eachers a re so well known to Chri st ians in all lands that there is no need to dwell here upon the ir qualifications for th e work . 2. T he second adva ntage o f the B;ble Institute of Los Angeles is found in its locati on. There is probably no more healthful climate in all the world t han that of this city. The stud ent here i free from all the phys ical stra in that one is necessaril y under. either in summer or winter, in most large citi es in other ·secti ons of the U nited States . Many coming t o Los Angeles in run-cl own phys ical condit ion, soon regain abou nding health. But th is is not the only advantage in the location of the Bible Inst itute in this cit\·. It is doubtful if there is any other city on the g lobe whe re there is at the present time so g rea t a need on the one hand , and on the other so g reat an opportun:ty and promi se , fo r sound and solid Bibl e work a ncl aggressiYe Chri stian effo rt. ;-,; o one who has not lived in Los Angeles and studi ed the city and its inhabitants, its loca­ tion , resources and growth , has any concepti on of its present g rea tn ess. ancl much less of its futur e poss ibiliti es . It has not onl y th e matchl ess climate to wh ;ch reference has already been made. but also its man·elously fer t il e so il. its rich mines, its cheap fu el, a ncl a cit izenshi p of rare qua li ty. In add ition to thi s, the opening of the Panama Cana l. and the proximi ty of the California Coast to the O r ;ent. a ll mark Los Angeles as a city of dest; ny. =---:ot onl y does l,os A n_geles already dominate the Pacifi c Coast. but it s influence upon Japan, Chi na and Ko rea, is immeasurabl e fo r good or eYil. This is the criti cal hour. and those who beli eve in the Bible and its matchless power to influence. not only indiYiduals, bu t also society as a whole, and the commerc ial li fe of nati ons as well as their re­ li gious ]ife, should seize the p resent opportunity at a ny cost .

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