




This city is not onl y a place of unparall eled ach·antages fo r the study of the \\"o rcl o_f Goel, but a lso for the use o f the \ \'o rcl in saYing men. whil e it is being studi ed . S tudents will f ind here an opportunity to work among people oi European nati ons, and a lso among the Spanish speak ing people of ;\ I exi co. Central and South Amer ica, and amo ng T,oreans, Chi nese. _I apa nese and H indoos . ;\f o other city offe rs such oppo r tuniti es fo 1· p repara ti on fo r work in fo reign lands . 3. T he th ird ach·a ntage is found in th e bu il ch1gs and equipment. The B ibl e In st itute has two do rmi to ri es, one for men ancl one for women. Each of these buildings is fiftee n stori es high . includ ing lnsement and sub-basement. and a bso­ lutely fi re-proof. The re are OYer 600 rooms, wi th hot and cold water, steam heat . and electri c l; ght in eYery room. There a re also showe r and tub baths on each fl oo r . and mam· other con- Yeni ences in connection with the rooms . " lt has also a n auditorium bui lding v\·ith a ma in audit or ium accommodat ing OYer -l-000 people. and smaller lectu re rooms fo r the diffe rent classes . These lec ture roo111 s can he thrown togeth er and accommodate OYe r 1000 people. There is a lso a large li lmny and reacling room fo r qui et study ( see page 2.3) a nd a lso assembl y rooms . There are three roof ga rd ens, one on each bui ld; ng . These buildings a re located 111 the Yen· hea rt of the business and hot el secti on of Los A nge les . '{hey adj oin im­ media tely upon the "T und whi ch has been purchased by t he city for its publi c library, auditorium and othe r city buiHings . T hey are with;n a stone 's th row of the B iltmore Hotel. and onl y one block from the la rges t retail sto re in the city . T hey a re al so wit hin easy reach of all lines of st reet ca r s. radiati ng to all parts of the city and running 011t sixty or seYenty mi les into th e coun t ry . Some of the most i111 po rtant lines of hot lt street car systems run with in a quarte r of a block of the build . in_g- s, a nd tr;rnsfers can be had fr om them to a ll othe r lines in the city . 4. T he next aclYantage is found in the access ibili t\· of the publi c library, ( which is the la rgest li bra ry west of Chi cago 1 a nd other buildings of a n ed ucati onal character which are open to the publi c. The li bra ry is to be located immed iately adjacent to t he Institute bu ilding. and at the present time is onl y a few minu tes wa lk away .


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