




For Whom Intended The obj ect of the Institute, stated in general terms, is t o train men and women in the thorough knowledge and effective pract ical use of the Engli sh Bible, and it is therefore intended fo r all men and women who wish to get the most thorough knowledge possible of the \,Vorel of Goel and to use it in any fo rm of Christian activity. T here are, however, special classes of men and women, to meet whose need the Bible I nst itute is especially adapted: 1. Men who a re call ed of God into the m;ni stry of H is \ ,Vo rel . I t was not the intent ion of l\ Ir. Moody when he founded the fir st Bi bl e In stitute in thi s count ry, to train men for the pastorate, but after a few yea rs' experience it was found that very many of its graduates did find the ir way, sooner or late r, into the pastorate . T he cour se of training given in the Institute is not planned to supplant that of t he theological seminary in prepar ing men for the mini st1-y; but fo r more than a quarter of a century men who have taken t hi s course have proved its worth in pastorates at home and in the miss ion f ields abroad , where they ha ve made, and a re making splendid record s as hera lds of the JOspel and winner s of men for Chri st. Thi s course is compl eted in three years. (See pages 44 and 50 fo r detail s. ) 2. Graduates of coll eges and theological seminari es who des ire to suppl ement the knowledge obtained in college and seminary by a more thorough study of the English B;ble, prac­ tical method s of aggress ive Chr ist ian work, and the most eff ective method s of teaching the Bible. 3. Men and women who are plann ing to go to the for­ eign mi ss ion field. More than seven hundred men and women who have been tra ined unde r the present teachers of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles are now do ing effecti ve work in the fo re;gn f ield . -+. Fore ign mi ss ionar ies home on furl ough. Many of those who have had exper ience in the f ield need dur ing their days of furlough to increase their knowledge of the Bible and the methods of Chri st ian work now in use . Not infrequent lv t hey f ind that there is no place so well adapted fo r th is purpose as the Bible Institute. 5. Men and women preparing for var ious fo rms of Chri st ian work besides the pastorate, evangeli sts, singing evan-

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