

geli sts. supe rin tend ents of Chri stia n inst ituti ons, Sunday School worker s, a.-sista nt pa stors, church Yi sitors, You ng l\if en· s Chri st;an Assoc iati on sec reta r ies. Young \\ 'omen's Chri st ian Assoc iat ion sec reta ri es . city mi ss ion worke rs, rescue mi ss ion workers. 6. :;\fen and women who do not intend to give their whole time to defi ni te fo rms of Chr ist ian sen· ice. but who desire a larger knowledge of the Bibl e a nd pract;cal methods of work , in orde r that they may be more usef ul in their home churches. La rge numbe rs o f men and women ha\·e gone through the Bible Institute with no intenti on of g iving thei r ent ire li fe to def ini t e Ch r istian work . ):ot a few of these afterwa rds have gone in to the pastorate a nd other forms of Chri st;an wo rk, but many of them have gone back to th eir churches to be a help to their pas tor and to the Chri stian li fe of th e community. · 7. ill en alread y in th e mini stry who fee l the need of a more thorough, accurate and practical ·knowledge o f th e Bible. An eye r increas ing number of men who ha1·e had success ful experi ence in the mini stry a re coming to th e B ible I nst; tu te t o take ach·antage of its fac ili ties for equipment for inc reas ing usefulness. ·

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