



The Object of the Institute The Insti t ute aims . in it s training of a ll classes for whom it ;s intend ed , to send out men a nd \\· omen hav ing a t least th ese seYen characteri stics : J. Genuin e and th orough consec rati on . 2. Inten se hie fo r soul s. 3 . A deep a ncl comprehens i1·e knowl edge o f the V/orcl o f Coe!, and es pec ia ll y o f how to use it in leading men to Chri st . :+. 'l\'i ll ing ness to endure ha rd ness as good soldi e r s o f J esus Chri st . J . 'C' ntiring energy .. 6. 11·e11 balanced common sense. espec ially a long relig ious -1:nes. 7. Enduement with power by t he filling with the H oly S pirit . Grea t emphasis is laid upon the de\·el opment o f t he sp;ritua l lif e o f the stud ent. J f any s tu de nt should go from the school without a mo re intimate . per sona l acquaintance with J es c1 s Chri st , o r without mo re of the powe r of t he H oly Spir;t in hi s li fe and work . the ln st itute \vou ld haYe fail ed in hi s case a t the Yital point . The study of mu sic is mad e a prominent f eature of the Institut e tra ining . so that men ancl \,· omen may be p repa red to teac h mu sic ancl lead cho irs . a nd a ss ist otherw ise in th is important department o f Ch r is ti a n wo rk . 'IYhil e the In stitute mu sic cour se prepares stud ents fo r th e work o f the sing ing eYangelist. it is not intended fo r a ny one who simply wi shes educat ion in mu s:c. The mu sic work of the Institute is a lways mad e subordinate to the study of th e Bibl e. a nd mu sic is taught only as a m ea ns of qua lify ing one fo r mo re effec t iYe sou l-win- 111ng se n ·1ce . A ll lec tures and classes a re fr ee to registe red stud ents o f e1·ery creed a nd denominati on. There is a nominal reg istrati on fee of $2 .00 a semester. payab le in acil·ance. ( See page :i..J.. ) P e r sons not re,,.u larh· enro ll ed as stud ent s . who w: sh to ga in a bett er knO\l'l ecl ge of the B ibl e and acquire pro fi ciency in Chri stian work, a re welcome to many o f the cla sses .


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