



The Denominational and Doctrinal Position of the Bible Institute

T he B ible Institute does not antago ni ze any evangeli cal denominati on, but seeks to cooperate with them all . It has no purpose or thought of fo rming a new denominati on. The Institute recogni zes and r ejo;ces in the g reat good that is bei ng accomplished by the churches of the different denominations, and seeks to help them to do e\·en more eff icient work. It des ires and cul tivates the fe ll owship and co-operati on of all the evangelical denomination s and of indiv idual believer s in all the churches . , ,vh;le there is a church worsh ipping on the Lord 's Day in the Auditorium · of th e Bible Inst itute, that church is an entirely separate organi zat ion, and the Institute does not require nor expect that students coming to the Insti ­ tute will become membe rs of that chu rch . T he church is open to those who desi re to become member s of it, but it ·is expect ed that the students of th e Bible l11stitute 7.11"/l be loyal lo the de­ no111i11ation to ·which they belong . T he d irecto r s and teachers of the Inst itute are chosen without rega rd to their denomina­ tiona l affi li ation, and have always represented a number of different denom ination s. Among those represented on the Faculty and Board of Directors of the Bible Insti tute of the presen t or the past, may be menti oned members of the fo ll owing denom inations : l\.fethod ist Episcopal, P resbyte ri an , U nited P resbyterian, Cong regat;onal. Lutheran, Bapt ist , Ep iscopal, Chri stian, U nited Evangelical. Howeve r, the Institute does stand fo r a defi ni te doctr inal statement of faith, and a ll its teachers and d irector s, regard less of denominational affiliati on. are requ ired once a yea r to sign the Statement of Faith . ( See next page.) A ll moneys cont ri bu ted to the Insti tute \•di be held in viol­ able fo r the teach ing of these truths. Fa; lure to insist upon the promulgation of these trut hs, or t he permi ss ion of teach ing cont ra ry to thi s statement of beli ef, wou ld constitute ground fo r sui t fo r the reversion of the money contri buted to the or igina l donor s or heirs . T he Statement of Faith is as fo ll ows:


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