




Statement of Faith I.

The Bible, consist;ng of all the books of the O ld and New T estament s, is the \!'lord of Goel, a supernaturally g iven revela­ tion from God Himself , concern ing Himself , His being, nature, character, will and purposes ; and concerning man , hi s nature, need, du ty and dest; ny . The Scri ptures of t he Old and New Testament s a re without error or ni isstatement in the ir moral and spiritual teachings and r ecord of histor ical facts. T hey are without error or defect of any kind. II. There is one Goel, eternall y existing and rnani fest ing H im­ self to us in tlwee Persons-Father, Son and Holy Spirit. III. The Lord J esus was supernatu rally conceived by the power of the Holy Spir it and born of a virg in- lVIa ry, a lineal de­ scendant of DaYicl. He lived and taught and wrought mighty work s and wonders and signs, exac tl y as is recorded in the four gospels. He was put to dea th by cru cifi x ion under Pontius P il ate. Goel rai sed from the dead the body that had been nail ed to t he cross. The Lord Jesus af ter H is crucifix ion showed Himself a live to H is d isciples, appeari ng unto them by the space of fo rty clays . Af ter thi s the Lord Jesus ascended into Heaven, and t he Father caused Him to sit a t His right hand in the heavenl y places, fa r above a ll rule and authority and power and dominion and every name that is named, not onl y in thi s world , but also in t hat wh'ch is to come, and put a ll things in subjecti on under Hi s feet , and gave H irn to be Head ove r all things to the Church. IV. T he Lord Jesus, befo re Hi s incarnat ion, existed in the form of Goel , and of H is own choice la id as ide His d; vi ne glory and took upon, H imself the fo rm of a ser vant , and was made in the likeness of men . In His pre-existent state, He wa s with Goel and was God. He is a di vine person, possessed of all the attributes of Deity, and shoul d be worshi pped as


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