


Goel by a ngels and men . " Jn Him clwelleth all the fu llness of t he gocl head bod il y.' ' A ll the words t hat He spoke clur;ng His ea rthh· lif e were the words o f God . There is abso lu tely no er ror "or a ny kind in them. and by the words of J esus Ch ri st the words of all ot he1· teac her s mu st be tested. The T.ord J esu;., became in c1·ery respect a real man. pos­ sessecl of all the e~~ent ia l characteristics of human nature . \T By His cleath upon th e cross . t he T.orcl Jesus made a per­ fect atonement fo r si n , In· which the 1nath of Cod at;·a111 st sinners is appeased, and a' g round furnished upon wh ich Goel can deal in me rc1· with sinners. He recleemecl us from th e curse of the law by becomi ng a curse in our place . H e \ ·\/ho Himself was absolu1. eh· without sin. wa~ made to be sin 0 11 our behalf. that we might become the ri ghteousness of Goel in 1~1 im. The Lord Jesus is coming aga in to this ea rth, personall y, bod­ ily, and 1·isibly . The return of our l .orcl is the blessed hope of the belieYer. a nd in it Cod's purposes of grace towarcl mankind will find the:r consummation . VII. The l-'loly , pmt 1s a person and is possessed of a ll the d ist inctively cliYine attributes . He is Goel . \'III . Man was created in t he image of God, afte r His likeness, but the whole human race fe ll in t he fall of t he h·st Adam. A ll men, until th ey accept the Lord J esus as their personal SaYiour . are los t . darkened in t heir understanding. a li ena ted from the life of Goel through t he ignorance that is in them. hard ened in hear t. morally and spir itua ll y dead through their trespasses and sin s. They cannot see. nor enter the l(ingdom of Goel unfl they are born aga 111 of the Holy Spi ri t. IX. l\len are ju st ifi ed on th e simpl e and si ngle 0 -rouncl of the shecl bl ood o f Christ, and upon the simple and singl e condi t ion

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