




of fa ith in Him \Yho shed the bl ood, and a re born aga in by the qui cken ing. r enewing, cleansing work of the H oly Sp ir;t th rough the in strnmental ity of the \ \'ord of God. X . A ll those who receive J esus Chri st as their Sav iour and t he ir Lord. and who conf ess Him as such before their fe ll ow­ men. become children o f Goel . a nd receiYe ete rnal life. Thev become he irs of God a nd joint -heirs v;,;th J esus Chri st. At death their spiri ts depart to be with Chr ist in conscious bl essed­ ness . a nd a t the second coming of Ch r ist . the ir bodi es sha ll be rai sed and tran s formed into th e likeness of the body o f H is glory . X I. A ll those who persistent ly rejec t J esus Chri st ;n th e pres­ ent lif e shall be rai sed from the deacl. and throughout eternity exi st in a state of conscious, unutterable, endl ess torment and a ngu ish. XII. The Church consists o f all those who, 111 thi s present d is­ pensa ti on , tru ly beli eve on J esus Chri st. Jt is the body a nd bride of Chri st . whi ch Chr; st 10\·es , and fo r wh ich H e has g iven Himself up. XIII. There is a per sona l dev il , a be ing of gr eat cunning ancl power , " T he prin ce o f the power of th e a ir ,' ' "The pri nce of thi s worl d." " T he god of t hi s age .'' He can exert hi s vast power onl y so fa r a s Goel su ff er s him to do so . H e shall ulti ­ ma tely be cast into the la ke of f ire and br imstone, and shall be torment ed day and n;ght foreve r.


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