

The Two Year Course of Study (See three-year course, page 44. Fo r the courses of study arranged by semeste rs see pa,,e 47 .) T he course of study is the outcome of the per sonal expe r ­ ience of the teachers in pastoral, evangelis ti c, home and fo reign mi ss ionary a nd city mi ss ionary work , con fe rences . and other teaching work in ma ny lands. a nd also of an exper: ence in the train ing of men and women fo r Chr ist ian work extend ing over more than a quarter of a century. It embraces th e fo ll owing subj ects: I. Doctrinal Study of the Bible The Bible is the chi ef text book of the B ibl e Institute. hut a large numbe r of methods a re fo llowed in studying the Bible. The fu nd:.i.lll enta l thing in the teaching of the B ible in the Institute is ~-. thorough course in the doctrinal contents of the entire B;ble. T hi s covers two school yea rs . It compri ses a careful arid thorq gh study of what the B ible teaches on the great fundame ntal trut hs of the Ch ri st ian fa ith. \\"hil e the cou rse in Bible doct rine covers all the subjects taken up in our best theolog ical seminari es in thei r courses in SvsTE:11ATIC THEOLOGY, the method of study is entirely diffe rent from that usuall y pu1-sued in theolog:ca l semi nari es . The doct r ine is neve r stated and then proof texts hunt ed up to prO\·e t he doc­ tr ine. The lllethocl is ra ther that pu rsued in our clay in a ll other branches o f scient ific study, the INDUCTIVE METHOD. Every passage of Sc r iptu re bear ing upon the doct r ine under discuss ion is examined a nd its exact meaning in the light of the context cleterlllinecl, a nd thu s the Bible teach ing is asce rta ined and t he result s classified in propositions that state what is contained, and onl y what is contained, in the Scr iptures that have been studied. The prilllary aim of the study is to strengthen the faith of the student, to g iYe hilll an accurate a nd t horoug l1 knowledge of Bible truth and to 1ualify him to teach or preach t he trut h conta ined in the B ible in a systematic fo rm. How­ ever, the study proYes also of imlll ense help in the develop­ ment of al l the in tell ectual fac ul ties of the stud ent , and reall y is also a course in the onl y sure and stab le phi losophy that there is, v iz., the phil osophy reYealed by an Omnisc ient Goel. The

Twenty -one

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