

student who takes a complete course , is thu s qualified not onl y to promulgate the tru th, but to discern and expose all the forms of fa lse doctr ine that are being - taught in the world and in the church today. The Two-Year Cycle of Study 1925-1926 First Semester- THE DOCTRINE OF l\IAN: O riginal Conditi on , Fa ll. P resent Standing, Future Des­ t iny , .Justi ficat ;on. t he New Birth . Adopt ion, Sanctificati on, Repentance, F aith, LoYe to Goel, LO\·e to Chri st. Love to Man . Second Semeste r- THE DOCTRINE OF ::\IAN. conti nued: Prayer, Thanksgi\·i ng, \Vorsh ip , Beli e\·er· s Assurance and F uture Destiny . THE DOCTRINE OF ANGELS A~D DEl\IONS: Na ture. Posi ti on, "\' umber, Abode, \\' ork. THE DOCTRI NE OF SATAN : Ex istence, Nature, Position, Character, Ahocl e. \York ancl Destiny . our Duty Towards Him. 1926-1927 F irst Semester- THE DOCTRTI\E OF GOD: Goel as Sp iri t . the U n;ty, E ternity. Immutability, Self ­ ex istence . Persona lity. Omnipotence, Omni sc ience, Holi­ ness. Just ice, LO\·e. ::\fercy, Compass ion, Veracity, and Fa ithfulness of Goel. THE DOCTRINE OF JESUS CHRI ST: His Dei tv, H is Subo rdination to t he Father, His Human Nature. H is Character . Second Semester-THE DOCTRI NE OF J ES S CHRI ST, Cont;nued : Hi s Death, H is Resurrect ion , His Ascension, His Coming Again. THE DOCTRINE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: Hi s Personality, Deity. D ist incti on. Subordination. Names and Titles, \ i\!ork , Baptism and F illing with , \ Vork in Prophets and' Apost les. ancl in Jesus Chri st .


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