



II. Bible Synthesis The Syntheti c method of Bibl e study aims to provide the student with the fo llowing : First: A comprehensive g rasp of the general contents of the entire Bibl e so that th e ma in fea tures of its revelation may be seen and m~clerstooci. Second : A bring ing together and summing up of the general contents so that the mutual relat ionshi ps and ha rmony of the component parts are recogni zed. Thi rd : A recogniti on of the progress ive characte r and development of the diYine revelation as set forth in the Scr ip­ tt1res . Fourth : A knowl edge of the di spensa ti onal teaching of the vVo rd of Goel. The Synthetic method pursued by the class in th is study is the readi ng be fo rehand of an appoi nted number o f chapters in a book of th e Bibl e ; indeed , at t imes, a whole book is read at one sitting . T he main sect ions of the book a re then taken up and cons idered , and final1 y the teachin °· of the book is presented in unifi ed fo rm.

The Two-Year Cycle of Study

FIRST y E.'\ R-

F irst Semester-General view of the BJ)le as a whole and of the Old Testament in part icul a r , the Pentateuch. the Hi st ori cal Books. Second Semester- The Poet ical and Propheti cal Books.


First Semester-Genera l Yiew of the New Testa­ ment- the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles, the Pauline Epistl es. Second Semester-The Pauline E pi stl es, compl eted; the General Epistl es and Revelation .

Twenty - four

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