



Ill. Bible Chapter Summary This method of study ;s probably more widely fo ll owed today than any other . l\fany thousand s of persons throughout the wo rld a re studying t he Bible in thi s wav. Several questions are asked upon each chapter. The four principal poin ts brought ou t in connection with each chapter are: T he Prin­ cipa l Subject of the chapte r , t he Leadi ng Lesson of the chap­ ter . the Best \ "erse in the chapter , and the Prominent Persons in the chapter. The student studi es the ass igned chapters. recorcl ;ng hi s work in a specia ll y rul ed note-book, and is ca ll ed upon in the class to report what he ha s found in the chapters. Diffi cult ies and quest ion s are delt with as they come up.

The Two Year Cycle of Study

FIRST YEAR Fi r st Semester- Genesis, Exodus, Levit icus, Num­ ber s, Deuteronomy, J oshua. Second Semester- Judges. R uth , F irst Samuel, Sec­ ond Samuel. First K ings, Second Kings, Oba­ cfah , Joel, Jonah, Amos, Hosea, I saiah .


During the summer vaca tion student s study the Book of Psalms, and hand in their work at the opening of the Fall Semester. SECOND YEAR First Semester- Micah , Nahum, Zephani ah, Jere­ mi ah , Lai11entati ons, Habakkuk, Dani el. Eze­ ki el, Ezra 1-6, Haggai , Zechariah, Esther , Ez ra 7-10, Neherni ah, }Ialachi . Second Semester-l\Iatthew, l\Iark, Luke, J ohn , Acts ,

J ames, F irst Thessalonian s, Second T hessa­ lon:ans, F irst Corinthian s, Second Corinthi ans, Galatia ns, Romans, Colossians, P hilippians, Titus, F irst Timothy, Second Timothy, He­ brews, Fi rst Peter, Second Peter , Jude, F irst John , Second John, T hi rel J ohn.


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