



IV. Bible Analysis The method pmsued consists o f a thorough book study of selected books in the B ible. compri sing ( l ) Introductory work on t he book . (2) A ri g id a nd thorough anal ys is of each verse in each chapte r . the stud ent in hi s anal vs is being required. a s far as poss:ble, to state in the mos t bri ef and exact fo rm pos­ sible. eYerything that is in th e Yerse and onl y what is in the ve r se . Everything that is in th e Yerse i11 ! h r 111 0s / ro 11 ci .,r _fon11 . (3) "\\'hen eye ry w rse has been ca refull y a nd thoroughl y a na h·zed . t he teachings of the book a s a whole are classified. This method of stud ,· fo rms one of th e mose effect ive method:; of tra ining the Ya r :ous intell ectual faculti es and the power of express ion. O nly selected hooks are studi ed in thi s wav, but such hooks are chosen as seem most essenti al fo r the student to unclerstand . V. Biblical Introduction In thi s course the simples t facts about the Bible as a book a re taken up : The mea ning of the name Bible. number , a nd d ivis ions of the books , the hi story of the manu scri pts, ancl of our E ng li sh versions, th e in spira t ion of the books . th e ca non of Sc ripture. the geog raphy of Bible lancl s . especia ll y Palestine and J eru sal em. th e temple, its locati on ancl st ru cture, the syna­ gogue and its ser vices . VI. Biblical Criticism Biblical criti c;sm has been brought in to disrepute among many, because of the preYalence a nd a rrogance of dest rn cti1·e criti c ism. but it has its p roper place in any thorough study of the Bible. ancl a thorough and candid study of Bibli cal cri ti ­ cism neYe r leads to des tru ct iYe, but to const ru cti ve resu lt s . A ca reful exam:nati on is. ma de of the met hods a nd a rgument s of the destruct iYe critics . a nd the fa lsit1· of their concl usions. The posit iYe argument fo r the l\1osa ic a t1 thorshi p of the Penta­ teuch. for Isa iah ·s authorship of the entire book beari ng hi3 name, and for Daniel being the author of the book of Daniel, we ll be full y stated. VII. Christian Evidences (1) T he proof that Jesus reall y arose fr om the dead . (2 ) The eY idence that the Bible is the 1\· ord of God. Referenc~

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