




is made to the e,· icl ence fro lll t he lllOnument s, from prophecv, from t he hi story of the book, from a compari son of the Bible with other books. together with a proof in personal exper ience that t he B ible is the \\·ore! of Goel . See a lso "Cour se in the History and Ph il osophy of the Christ ian Re lig ion." VIII. A Course in the History and Philosophy of the Christian Religion Note : Two-yea r stud ent s w;l l he permitted to take onl y part of t hi s cour se . This course aims to inter pret Christianity in its world set­ t ing and to consider the Yaliclity uf it s cla ims in the light of Ph il osophy , Sc ience and Crif cism . Constrnct iYel y this will mean a s tudy of the Bible P hil osophy o f Re lig ion. It will fol low two defi nite lines of study. each coYering a period of three school years. First. a stud y of the history o f the Chri stia n Rel ig ion. Second an interpretat;on of the history. I. THE ORl C J ?\ AX!) DEVE l ,0 1' '.\fEI\T OF THE CHRI STI A?\ RELIGJOX. 1. The \\' o riel Background . (a) G reek Thought- an out line o f t he result s of men's encl ea1·o r to uncle rsta ncl hi story and the world . ( b) H.oman Poli tics- an outlin e of t he results of human Governments. (c) Hebrew a nd popular relig ions- an outlin e of the issues of men' s thinking about Goel . 2. Birth, Li fe . .:\h1ist ry. Death and Resu rrect ion of Christ. A brief stuch· of the Hi storica l Chr ist- o r the Ch ri st of t he Gospels . 3. The ori g in o f t he Church and the conflict and cl e1·e lop- 111ent of the Chri st ian rel igion in the first four cen­ turies A. D . ..J. . The ori g in and cle1·elop111ent of the Roman Catholic and Greek Cathol;c Churches up to the 12th Century. ;:, . The R e fo rmation.

T wenty-seven

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