


(a) The world and poli t ical background. (b) The Relig ious and Eccles :asti cal background . (c) The origin , nat ure and s:gnificance of the three great branches of the Reformat ion-the Lutheran. Engli sh a nd Reformed.


6 . The ri se and development of the modern Church with its new attitude ( whi ch is usuall y referred to as "The J\Todern l\Iind"') a nd its mi ss ionary, ph il anthropic a nd soc;a l mm·ement s . This will be a n end eavor t o get the hi storical basis and background o f the compl ex and acute probl ems with which the church is now con­ fronted in its thinking and act iYities. II. THE PHILOSOPHICAL J:l\TERPRETATION OF THESE FACTS OF RELIGION. This will be an endeavor to find the source, mean ing and signifi ca nce of the fact of rel; gion as found in the hi story studi es . FIRST YEAR 1. The interpretati on of the world as it find s its culminati on in man and the soc ial ord er. This will be an endearnr to get a clear idea of t he different theories of the ori gi n and meaning of our world with special rega rd to the or; g in , nature and mea ning of religi on. This will i1wolve the diff erent theories of eYolu tion and the quest ion of the poss i­ bility and nature of reYelation.


2. JesllS Chr ;st as t he highest express ion of life and the logical key to the fin al mea ning of ou r world a nd the supreme authority in religion. T hi s will be largely a study in comparative reli a ions in whi ch there will be an end eaYo r to see the nature and ~ignifi cance of the d iffe rent worl d relig ions a nd to find the fundamenta l reas ns why Chri st ian ity i the 1111i.-'Crsal and final relig ion.


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