




3. A study of Chri st ia nity as a supernatura l and redemp tive religion as affected by modern Science, Ph ilosophy a nd C ri t icism . Tn th is cour se we wi ll frankh· face t he claims of so­ ca ll ed scient ific and hi stori c~] methods that de fi­ nitely exclude the supe rnatura l a nd t ry to explain relig ion on a purely na tural isti c or semi -natural ist ic basis. In a construct ive wa\· we w; ll end eavo r to show that anv t hcon · that c; n hones th· cla im to be scient ifi c and -histo ri c'a l in its deal ing with the fact of religion mu st ma ke prov ision fo r all the facts of ex­ perience and not arbitrar il y exc lud e any fact in the interest of t he theory . Jt is one thing to haYe a con­ sistent ancl const ruct ive phil osophy of hi story , a nd quite another t hi ng to doctor ancl reconstruct hi sto ry to fit in to our pholosophy. Th is course ,v;ll aim to g iYe a t rue ph ilosophy of relig ion as it is actua ll y found in hi story and human ex per ience . A ny such philosophy mu st in the Yery nature of thi ngs center in Chr ist, for He is t he supreme exp ress ion o f relig ion from whateYer a ngle we approach it . Theref ore. a philosophical interpretation of the B ibl e as it cente rs and culminates in Chri st im·olves a comprehensii·e and sc ientifi c interpretat;on o f re­ ligion and of t he wor ld of which it is a n essenti a l part. That is \,·hy a course of this kind has a fun da­ menta l place in a "B ible Inst itute ' ' whi ch a ims to thoroughly fit men and women to intelligently preach Ch r ;st and present Hi s supreme claim to I .ordship in Ji fe a nd its affa irs. IX. The Study of the Bible with Special Reference to its Use in Personal Work T he most impor tan t a nd effect iYe method of bring ing men to Chri st, both in home and fore ig n land s, is PERSO:S:AL \\loRK. A special emphas is is laid upon this work in the Bible Inst itu te. The obj ect of the stud,· is to g ive t he stud ent a thormwh knowledge of the d iffe rent classes of men and women and


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