

children that one is likel y to meet, and to teach them how to use the Bible in dea ling with t hese n ri ou s classes . The fo ll owing subj ects are cons icl erecl : ( 1) The Import­ ance and Ach·a ntages of Per sona l \\ .ork. ( 2 ) The Conditi o115 of Success. ( 3) \ \ ' here to do p er sonal work . ( -+ ) H ow t o begin a co1w er sat ion. ( 5) \ i\ ' hat in st ruct ions to give a ne\.v conve rt . (6) How t o dea l w ith those who reahe thei r need of a SaYi our , and rea ll y des ire to be saved . (7) How to dea l with those who ha\'e li tt le or no concern about the ir soul s. (8) How to deal wit h those who have difficu lti es. (All the difficulti es that one meets in persona l work are caref ull y studied und er t hi s head. and the \'ar ious passages of Sc ripture t hat ha\'e been mos t u sed o f Cod in de live rin g men f rom t hese di ffic ulti es . a r e brought fo rward ) . (9) How to dea l wi th t hose who en te rtain fa lse hopes . ( 10) B ow to dea l w ith th ose who lack assurance . ( 11 ) H ow to dea l with backs lid er s . ( 12) H ow to dea l with professed skepti cs . infidels. atheists , and agnostics . ( 13) H ow to dea l with t hose who wi sh to put off decision unt il some other time . ( 1-+ ) H ow to deal with t he deluded . uncler t hi s head a ll the mode r n delu s ions, such as Chri stian Science. Russeli sm, Seventh Day Adwnt ism. Spiri tua li sm , T heosophy, etc ., a re co nside r ed. and the stud en t taught to u se hi s B ibl e to de li ve r people from these delu s ions. ( 15) H ow t o dea l w ith Chri s­ t ians who need coun se l. rebuke or encou ragemen t. The cour se in Per sona l \\' o r k is a cour se in rea l and pract ical psychology. X. Homiletics T he obj ec t o f th is departmen t is to qualify men and women to prepa re and delive r sermons. Gospe l addresses, Rib le r eadi ngs a nd expos iti ons of God's \\ 'ord whe r e1·er needed- in pulpit, st r eet. jail. shop o r cottage. rrac ti cal demonstrat ion ir. sermon outline and structure is gi\'en, and frequent use is made o f t he blackboa rd to illu st rate same . From time to t ime, stu­ dents a r e r equired to prepa r e fo r criticism outlin es of sermons and addresses. The second year in Hom il et ics is wholly de­ voted to preac hing by students in t he class room. H ere par­ t icular attent ion is paid to correct ing defects in the const ructi on and deli\' ery of sermons and Gospel addresses . Both teacher and cla ss take pa rt in th; s wo rk of criticism. Direct ion is also gi\'en in publi c prayer and the publi c readi ng of t he \\.o rd of Goel.


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