



Cycle of Study

FrnsT YEAR First Semester- The Call to P reach; Concept ion of the Min­ ist ry; The Permanent Function of the Ministry; The Goal in View; The P reacher' s Co-operating Agents; Themes; Doctrinal preaching ; Top ical, Textual, Expos ito ry Ser­ mons ; T he Question a nd Answer iVI ethod of P reach ing. Second Semeste r-Extemporaneous P reaching; Memori zi ng the Sermon; Reading Sermons ; The Sermon in the 1\l[ak­ ing; T he T hree Essentia l Pa rts of a Sermon- Introduc­ t ion, D iscuss ion, Conclusion; After t he Choice of a T ext, \\'hat? Hints on Selec ting 1faterial and Planning the Mes­ sage; Sermon Outlines;

P reaching by S tuden ts; Outline \ Vo rk for Cr it icisms by Class and Teacher; Correct ion of De fects in Read ing of Scripture, Public P rayer and Sermon.

XI. Pastoral Theology Lectures and familiar ta lks on the work of the Pasto r; the office; the call; the pri,·ileges and peri ls ; hi s public and pr ivate li fe ; hi s relati on to the church as a whole and to its va rious · organi zations ; to the press; to the people, and to ph ilanth rop ic work. XII. Evangelism The object of thi s study is to show what is the true work of the evangeli st, and to instruct the student s in the most effecti ve methods of eYa ngelisrn, including such subj ects as: How to preach the Gospel from t he evangeli st ic standpoint, How to ge t ready for special meet ings, How to t ra in the workers, H ow to conduct after meet ings, How to conduct chil dren's meet ings, How to establish tlie converts, T he rela­ tion of the evangeli st to the churches, How to fo ll ow up the


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