




wo rk, How to adYertise the work. How to raise monev fo r the work. These subj ects are all treated in a pract ical way, lea rned by experience by one who has clone evangeli st ic work in every part of the globe, ass;stecl by other reliable and effi­ cient eva ngeli sts. XIII. Bible Teachers' Training Class Th is class has fo r its purpose the training of men and women to be interest ing and efficient Bible teacher s in churches, evangelist ic meetings, Bible Conf erences, Bible classes, Sunday Schools. Coll eges. Young :\fen's and Young \\Tomen's Chri st ia n Assoc iat: ons. and other institutions where the teaching of the E ngli sh Bible is required. In this class student s are taught the principles und erly ing. and the laws goYe rning the teaching process. and are called upon to teach in the class room, their work be ing crit icized by the teacher a nd their fellow stud ents. Special emphasis ;s la id upon the teaching of popular Bible classes. The best methods of teaching are pu t into pract ice. Second year stud ents on ly are eligible to this class . XIV. Psychology and Sociology T he best text book on psychology is the B ibl e. The Bible sets fo rth ma n as he r eal ly is. The study of psychology is pttl"sued ;n many of the classes. and especiall y in the Personal v\'ork cou rse. Its aim is to give the student a thorough knowl­ edge of man as he actua ll y ;s by nature, as he is in hi s personal life, home lif e, socia l lif e, business li fe. and mental, moral a nd spir itual life, a nd as he may become by the grace of Goel in J esus Chri st. T he a im of the Institute is that the men and women who go out from it shall not on ly know their Bibles, but shall haYe a thorough, pract ical. working knowledge of 111e;1 in the;r relat ion to themseh·es . to one another, to society, to the church, and to Goel. XV. Pedagogy It is not enough to know the truth. one needs to know how to communicate that truth to others. Stud ents are g iven a thorough cou rse of study and practice in those methods of


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