

t eaching tha t haYe proved effect ive in personal e:-:peri ence. Such sub· ects as : The Point of Contact. The A rt of Illustra­ ti on. The· A rt of Q uesti oning. Ga ining and Holding th e Con­ fidence of the Class; E ncourag ing the Backward. etc., are care­ fully s!udi ed. (See also Bible Teache rs' Tra;ning Class , 0 page ,).). ) XVI. Prophecy A caref ul , san e study of the fulfilled and unfulfill ed i\Iessi­ anic and General prophe,ies of the O ld and J'\ew T estaments, showing that th e moderni st posit ion that there is no predictive element in the Bible. is untenable in the li ght of t he facts. XVII. The Sunday School The work of an Ach ·an cecl T eache r T raining Course is pre­ sented with empha sis on methods. not organizati on . A simpl e yet complete cour~e in chi ld study is a lso g i\·en in ord er that a curriculum suited to eac h age mav he plann ed. This w'll be espec ially Yalu<'.ble to one who mu st work independ entl y of lessons prO\·ided b\' others. Spec ia l emphasis is placed on the select ion o f rnat C" ria l for indiYiclual lessons fo r each age, to iL prepa rat ion and presentat ion in acco rd with the pedagogical sta ndard s of the foremos t ed ucat;onal in stitut ions. Tn view of the ca ll for teacher s of the Bible to wo rk in conn ection with the publi c schools of many cities in se\·e ra l different stat es. thos~ holdi ng teacher 's crec 1 ential s a re helped to plan courses of stud y for use in th is great work. XVIII. Christian Education Designed to prepare fo r posi ti on ,; as pastor's assistants' d irectors o f Chr: st ian Ed ucati on and leade rshi p in the Sun day School a nd variou s orga nizati ons of the church. Thi s course will include: A stuch· of the modern principl es of teaching espec ially as applied to Chri stian education; A study o f child psychology, and the genera l character's­ tics, capacit ies. limi tations and inte res t s of th e va ri oi1s age groups in th e Sunday School and kindred organi za tion s ; A study o f the ori gi n . development and structure of the O ld and New Testaments with special attent ion giYen to the


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