



teachings of the ?\faster and the found; ng of Chri stianity and the Apostol ic Church; A study of the organization and ad111inistrat ion of the modern Sund ay School. XIX. The Use of the Blackboard I n thi s cla ss stud ent s are ca refu ll y trai ned in the use of the blackboard in sett ing fo r th Gospel truth. Every Bible teacher , a nd espec iall y the worke rs in t he Sunday-school, shou ld be able to sketch off-hand maps or other illu strat ions that will get and hold the a ttent ion of the class . E laborate blackboard drawings a re not attempted, but any student with some natural g ift fo r d rawing wi ll get suffi cient t ra in ing in the fundamentals to deve lop the g ift along correct lines. XX. Missions In this cou rse is covered the hi story of Chri st ian m;ssions up to and including the organi zati on of the g reat mi ss ionary boa rds; the needs of, and the missiona ry forces in the g reat hea then lands are studied, the ca ll a nd qualificat ions of the mi s­ s;onary are p resented and inst rnct ion given as to apply ing to the board s ; the mi ss ionarv on the field. hi s relati on towards hi s fe ll ow mi ssionari es, towards the board. towards the heathen. and the ca re of hi s own health , a re dea lt with. T he va rious phases of home mi ss ionary work are also consiclerecl, such as , the immi oTant problem, the Ind ia n proble111. the Negro problem, and the work a 111011g the mountai neers of the south . The Insti­ tute is highl y favored in having, either as enrollee! stud ents or visitors. returned missionaries representing in the course of the year pract ica ll y every g reat worl d fi eld and every great miss ion board, a nd the student s are always given an opportunity to hea r from the111. One ter111 is dernted to a course of in st ructi on in F irst Aid to the Injured and Horne Hygiene and includes: Causes of Disease; P reventi on of D;~ease; The M is~ion­ ary as a Sanita ry Engineer; D isease; Treat111ent of Disease; Drugs in co111111011 use; Form of Ad111ini strat ion; l\1ode of Admini st rati on; Poisons; Fits or Seizures; Obs trnct;on to Respirat ion ; \ \'ouncls; Sp rains; Fractures and Dislocations; Bandaging; Burn s ; Seri ous Injuries.


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