




XXI. Public Speaking and the Reading of the Scriptures I nstructi on in thi s course will cm·er everyt hing tha t is fun damenta l and essential in the use of the voice in publi c express ion in preaching and teaching. and the publi c read ing of the l3; bl e. Very specifi c instructi on will be given in the care an cl development of the vo ice, in enunciati on and pronuncia­ ti on a nd al so in dicti on a nd style, both in writing and speak­ mg . T he stud ent s will be required to make publi c addresses befo re the class, to be criti cized by the cla ss and by the in struc­ tors. The students w;ll also be required t o speak in publi c, in open air meetings, shop meetings a nd churches, and their work will be reY iewed and criti cized . T hey wi11 be required to reacl the Bible and will be shown their. defects and how they can be co rrected . It is especially aimed to teach the students to think on their feet and to be ready on a11 occa sions to express the t ruth in th e most fo rcible_and telling way . XXII. Bible Lands and Manners and Customs T he obj ect of thi s course is to enabl e students to under ­ stand the Bibl e in the light of t he land s a nd customs in whi ch the Bibl e was written. It is g iven in connecti on wi th the course entitl ed Bibli ca l Introduct ion. See page 26. XXUI. New Testament Greek \ i\!hil e some men on account of age- a nd lack o f prev ious edu cat ;on enter the mini stry without knowing New Tes tament Greek,-and often do excellent work , it is well fo r young men who can do so to take up that subj ect. A conscienti ous stu­ dent, under proper instructi on, can. in three years, lay the foundati on of a wo rking knowledge of the language in whi ch the New T estamen t was written. O nl y those stud ents taking the Th ree Year Course will be permi tted to take thi s subjec t.


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