



XXIV. The Study of English Every g rad uate from the Dible Inst itute w; ll be required to haYe a thorough , practical knowledge of the E ngli sh lang­ uage . It is des irable t ha t every one before ente ring the In st i­ tu te shoul d ha\'e a kn owl edge of E ng li sh g rammar. but there a re many men and women who can be of g reat use in teach ing and preaching the \ \ .o rd . whose knowledge of E ngli sh is very elementar\" a nd inaccu rate. \\ ·e do not exclude such from the adrn ntage"'s of the Bible fn st itute , but they are not awarded t he diploma. unl ess they shall haYe secured a working knowl­ edge of modern E nglish . The inst ru cti on in E ngli sh giYen in t he Inst itute is of a ll)0St practical cha racte r. A student ente r­ ing the Inst itute without haYi ng compl eted the Hig h School studi es may be req uired by the fac ul ty to lengthen hi s stay tu three yea rs in ord er to acquire E ng li sh. Spec ia l work in Advanced E ngl ish is g iYen ;n th e Three Yea r Course . The E ng­ li sh Bib le is the one pee rless masterpiece of pure. fo rce ful E ng li sh a ncl the students will be persistently tra ined to use pure, Yigo rous, Bible E ngli sh. XXV. The Preacher and His Duties Out of an expe ri ence as a pastor fo r nea rly twenty-five yea rs. and as a n eYange li st fo r several years. the teache r directs in the study of such \"; ta! topics as : The Preache r as a Stu­ dent; Hi nts on Read ing ; The :!\ Tini ster' s Office or S tudy; Buy­ ing Books- \\ "hen . H ow a nd \\ "hat; H earers . and H ow t0 Treat Them; Re lati on of th e J\Tessenge r t o hi s :'.\[ essage; The Preache r' s L oya lty t o hi s ;\faster , to hi s ?llessage a nd to '.\-'fen : Dange rs to Avoid in the :'.\ fini stry; Church Gove rnment- H ow to Treat Church Office rs; The :'.\'lid-week P raye r :'.\ I ee ting , ih Value. its L eaders, its Topics and ;ts Dange rs ; The :'.\ finister's Re lation to the Children of Hi s Par ish ;-Dealing \\"i th Child Com·ersion and Chil d T ra ining and \\" ork fo r Children in Genera l ; :'.\feet ings fo r Children O nl y; Se rmons fo r Chi ld ren; Visitation or Pastoral Calling; 111ust rati ons. th eir Function, Charac ter and Sou rce. XXVI. Music The prime obj ect of th e mu sic instru cti on is to equi p t he student thoroughl y for e1·e ry demand mad e upon t he Chri st ian


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