


worker in playing. si nging . conduct ing, writing and teaching Gospe l mu sic. lt prepares for eYe ry branch of regular church mu sic actiY;1y. and the special work of mu sic in eYa ngeli sm. Courses are offered in Voice, Piano. O rgan, V iolin , Theory and I\otati on. S ig ht S ing ing. Conducting . Harmony a nd Com­ position. X on11a l Tra ining, H ymnology, Adrnnced Choru s and Ea r Tra ining . In all in struction a sta nda rd of techn;que is ma intai ner\ equa l to tha t of t h-= best consen ·atori es. a nd provision is made fo r work in Voice, P iano. O rga n. Counte rpoint and Compos i 0 ti on more advanced than that outl ined in the regular two years' course and menti oned in the preceding paragraph. The in ~t ructi on in voice, piano. orga n a nd violin is ind;­ vidual. and a cha rge of $ 1.00 for half-hour lessons is made for Yoice. piano a nd Yio lin , and $3 .00 kr pipe organ to enroll ed stud ents. and th ei r wiYes. or hu sband s. or chi ldren. and to mi s­ s iona r ies on furl ough. To persons not enrolled as student s the rates fo r pri\·ate in structi on are : YOice, pi a no and Yiolin. $2 .00; pipe organ, $5.00. A charge of $1.00 a month is mad e for daily use of practice pianos fo r piano and voice pupils. T he rate for pipe organ lessons includes fr ee dai ly organ pract ice. l. KOTAT JOX. THEORY A:r-;D SIGHT SJNGIKG This subj ect giyes a foundati on for a ll other mu sic tra in­ ing. a nd is pursued thoroughly . Notati on I. coYers the rudiments of mu sic, a mastery of scale rela t ion and the maj or keys . ~otation II. continues thi s work and g i\·es drill in more di ffi rnlt note reading, chromatics. modulat ions, and the natural , melod ic and ha rmonic fo rms of the sca le in m;nor keys . S ight si ng ing and advanced chorus perfect the student st ill furthe r in . rap id reading of notes a nd unaccompani ed sing ing of part songs . 2. YOICE Attention is giyen to the indi Y;d ual needs of each student - with emphasis upon breath control, open throat, placement. the even sca le, enunciation . articulation. diction, phras ing a nd interpreta t ion. Sta ndard exerc ises of R oot. Vacc i, S ieber , Con-


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